• We offer structural engineering services at any stage of the project development. We engage for commissions on newly built, existing buildings and arts projects. Our in-house experience in working with variety of structural materials combined with our highly analytical approach allows us to detail and engineer any structure with confidence, whether that is within or outside the bounds of codes of practice. Our experience with parametric tools and digital workflows allows us to tackle some of the more complex design challenges. We have extensive experience in geometry manipulation as well as in building software tools for engineering design

    • Structural scheme development

    • Structural analysis utilising the latest software technology - statics, dynamics, fatigue, non-linear

    • Detailed structural design in 2D and 3D

    • Bespoke detailing in complex structures

    • Spatial structures

    • Tensite structures

    • Glass structures

    • Composite structures

    • Geometrically complex structures

    • Structural material reseach & development

    • Testing & compliance

    • Codes of practice and authorities compliance and approvals

    • Global portfolio and exprience

  • Our team has an in-depth expertise in facade engineering and extensive experience in performance based design from concept to completion. As part of the facade service, we offer comprehensive material selection studies which draw on our experience with traditional and advanced facade materials. We complement our technical knowledge with market specific advice on regulations, contractors and available technologies

    • Facade system design - project bespoke and supplier selection

    • Performance Specification development

    • Facades Structural engineering

    • Thermal engineering

    • Structural glass and steel engineering

    • 3D Geometry development and optimisation

    • 3D Modelling for Fabrication & Installation

    • BIM modelling and compliance

    • Test regime develpment

    • Tender documentation and selection process

  • We supplement our core skills with our knowledge in computational design to tackle some of the more complex design challenges. We have extensive experience in geometry manipulation and as well as in building tools for engineering design. Through the use of parametric tools and custom software script writing, we have the ability to create project specific computational solutions for a number of different drivers

    • In-house software development for various applications within design & engineering

    • Embodied carbon and carbon emissions life cycle analysis

    • Complex geometry rationalisation and optimisation

    • Spatial structural analysis for complex structures - tensile, pre-post tensioned & non-linear materials

  • Our experience shows that the key to success in a DfMA project is to allow for early involvement in design as this maximises potential by reducing site time. The greater design effort for DfMA pays off during the build phase:

    • Reduced Site Programme + greater predictability

    • Reduced Emissions + Carbon

    • Reduced Waste, Labour and Assembly Costs

    • Less Traffic, Pollution & disturbance to Community

    • 3D software capability for full design develpment - Autodesk Revit to LOD 450, Revit + Dynamo scripting, Solidworks 3D, Autodesk Inventor, Advance Steel, Rhinoceros 3D + Grasshopper

Structural Engineering Projects

Computational Engineering Projects

Facade Engineering Projects

Working with us pre-tender.

Define Engineers offer professional engineering services at every stage of the project development. We enjoy challenging briefs whether we are discussing materiality at concept stage, developing details at stage 4 or inspecting a factory or installation on-site. Our experience over the years has taught us that attention to detail is required at every step of the process in order to achieve a successful project on time and within budget. We are typically appointed directly by clients or by architects to complement their team of consultants for the full or a part of the scope up until tender. Using the RIBA stages as a guidance, we would expect to be of highest value at stage 3 and 4 with an overview role through to completion.

Working with us post-tender.

We value our relationships with main contractors and specialist sub-contractors as they maintain our technical and practical know-how at its best. From time to time, on the right projects, we work with contractors to support them on their pre or post-contract technical designs. Our scope can can involve tender or PCSA support where we interact with the client’s design team and contractor simultaneously. Alternatively, if we are involved post-contract we perform our structural or facade duties directly for the contractor while leaving the project management to the contractor team. We believe that close collaboration with the best contractors in the industry is beneficial to our upstream design work. By focusing on technical delivery and efficiency whilst employing our conceptual thinking we contribute to projects right to the very detail irrespective of the stage and team we are a part of.